Mission Statement

Mission statement - what makes us special

This mission statement describes the fundamental values and targets of the arnotec GmbH. It sets an engaging framework for the daily work of the manager and the employees concerning their daily work and the cooperation.

The values
The founder of the arnotec GmbH, Frank Arnold,  and his brother Elmar Arnold feel themselves engaged to the Christian idea of man and strive to assert those values in the company's everyday operations – well aware that reality will always remain behind the ideal situation.

The framework
On the basis of these values, we have formulated our buisness objective:

The company must serve the people.
By this are meant our customers, employees, suppliers as well as people in need.

The customers
With this in mind, we always want to be the best service provider and supplier of our products for our clients on the markets we are in. This means that arnotec GmbH offers services and products at the best possible prices. Thereby, realization of profits is not an end in itself for us. Profits are necessary, to keep the company healthy secure jobs and create new jobs. Thus we can realize expansion by own means and fulfil social tasks.

The employees
The employees of the arnotec GmbH think and act in all departments, at all levels customer-oriented. In all activities, we are aware of the customer's well-being and we work hard to gain their trust. Our executives shall create the necessary scope for the initiative of the employees, to promote the self-responsibility and the proud of the achieved results and to take every single employee serious as a human being with all his skills and needs. This should occur in the spirit of cooperation and mutual respect for each other and not against each other. This results in our feeling of togetherness. As the result of a longterm collaboration, we preserve the experience of our employees and thus secure the stability in our company.

The suppliers
We attach importance on a fair relationship with our business partners. We feel obligated to fulfil the quality requirements of our customers. We want to take into account the good reputation of „Made in Germany“. This is why we prefer suppliers who produce in Germany and thus secure jobs in our country.

People in need
arnotec uses parts of its business profits to offer its employees additional social benefits. Similarly, the managing director of arnotec GmbH, Frank Arnold, feels bound by his Christian responsibility to help people in need iboth nationally and internationally. IIn keeping with the good fortunes of the company, help is also available for others.

We are asking all of our employees, to live according to this model to the best of their ability and to help others to achieve this in their ecvveryday lives. In order to do so, one of the most helpful ways is, undoubtedly, the constant, constructive dialogue about the practical significance of this model.